Thursday, October 12, 2006

The project I'm currently working on finally afforded the time to convert the project from 2003 platforms to 2005 servers and .NET 2.0. While many of my collegues in other companies made the change last year, we are a consulting firm doing work for clients and so we required approval from the customer to proceed.

So far the InfoPath conversion was rather painless as we are not migrating to Office 2007 (yet?). The managed code compiled beautifully in Visual Studio 2005 and after installing the .Net 2.0 Framework on the test workstations, the form opened without flaw. However the webservices needed to be migrated to another machine name to not conflict with Sharepoint Services which are still running 1.1.4.

Our form displays a simple windows form with a rotating graphic scheme as a “Please Wait” message. Initially, a couple of them got stuck on the display and new ones stop showing up. Not sure what the cause was, but it seems to have corrected itself - perhaps the first load of the new form in .NET 2.0?

Other than that things went very well from my end. Next on the migration for me is Notification Services. Another breeze I expect.

Ciao for Niao

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