Monday, August 23, 2010

How to manually add a Progress OpenEdge ODBC Driver

Launch regedit.exe
Navigate to:

(64bit Windows 7)

Add/Create the following key:

Progress OpenEdge [XX.XN] Driver

Where [XX.XN] is your available version of the Progress bin. (e.g. 10.2C)

Open the Progress OpenEdge XX.XN Driver key and add the following strings (REG_SZ):
APILevel = "1"
ConnectFunctions = "YYN"
CPTimeout = "60"
DriverODBCVer = "3.50"
FileUsage = "0"
SQLLevel = "0"
UsageCount = "1"
Setup =  "[PATH]\pgoe1023.dll"
Driver = "[PATH]\pgoe1023.dll"

Where [PATH] is the location of the "pgoe1023.dll" library (e.g. "C:\Progress\V102A\bin"). You may place this file anywhere on the local system.

Next, Navigate to:

(64bit Windows 7)

Add the following string (REG_SZ):
Progress OpenEdge [XX.XN] Driver = "Installed"

Where [XX.XN] is your available version of the Progress bin. (e.g. 10.2C)

You will now see the Progress OE ODBC driver available in the ODBC Manager (SysWoW64 version for Windows 7).

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