Thursday, March 15, 2007

Generate Xpath Statement

Ever want to work out what the Xpath statement would be for a current node of an XML document? Well here you go. This little tid bit will quickly work its way back up the parent-grandparent tree, up to the root node of the document. And when it's done, you'll be returned the Xpath statement.

Code: (generated for InfoPath C# managed code)

private string GenerateMatchPath(IXMLDOMNode sourceNode, string xPath)
IXMLDOMNode parentNode = sourceNode.parentNode;
while (parentNode != null && parentNode.nodeName != "#document")
xPath = parentNode.nodeName + "/" + xPath;
parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; } return "/" + xPath;

Now, why would this be useful?

Suppose you would like to compare the data of a pair of XML documents (docA and docB).

If you used an Xpath query (xmlDoc.selectNodes("//descendant-or-self::node()")) to generate a nodelist of all elements in docA, you could:
  • loop through each node from docA
  • get its value
  • generate the xpath
  • use the xpath to get the value from docB
  • compare values
  • take appropriate action (update docA? update docC?)

[Snippet to follow...]

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